Friday, January 30, 2015

Women and Pop Culture

Women and Pop Culture 

Lorena Labour Aguasvivas
January 30,2015 
Women and Pop Culture
Feminism and Pop Culture

        According to Andi Zeisler, Feminism and pop culture is any cultural product that has a mass audience. Around the 80s and 90 pop cultures grew out of low culture, and them was understood as something just for the high culture. Art, literature, and classical music were made by and just for the world's educated elite, In other words the people who had money during this time. The lower culture had the basic stuff, and with this the people would contented themselves. Even though the phrase "Pop culture" came to take place of low culture, the phrase was defined more by what it was not as elegant, erudite and refined. According to Andi Zeisler in the first three pages, she talks about how pop culture refers to TV, movies, magazines, and music and how this sources amuses and distract people. And How all this elements combined are influenced by the capitalism. She also talks about how the pop culture helps us to understand better the time and place in which we are living now. Which I totally agree because the only way we can see if a change has happened or predict what is going to happen next in the future is just by looking at the past. According to page 6  and 7 from the book " Feminism and Pop Culture by Andi Zeisler there is a quote that really call my attention that says " There are feminism issues that seem, it's true, more immediately vital than whether TV, or movie characters are reflecting the lives of real women. There are continuing problems of the gap between men's and women's wages of glass ceiling and tacit sex discrimination in the workplace. There is the need to combat violence against girls and women and promote sexual autonomy. There are ongoing battles, both individuals and collective, against limiting cultural definitions of " mother" and "wife". There's the fact that the equal right amendment first proposed in 1923 has as of this writing still not been ratified by the United States Congress.  Meaning that under the U.S Constitution women are not equal to men. And there are even broader, more global, and more complex issues of what it means to be women, a feminist, and seeker of human and civil rights. But like the disintegrating line between high and low culture,the distinctions between political and pop have also all but disappeared. Pop culture informs our understanding of political issues that on first glance. Seem to have nothing to do with pop culture: it also makes us see how something meant as pure entertainment can have everything to do with politics.  This quote I think is very important in this reading because it informs you about things that you would not think about. Like that entertainment has everything to do with politics. Andi Zeisler also talks about the " Male Gaze" as the idea that when we as people look at images in art or maybe screen. We are seeing them as a man even though it could be women. All this is because all those images were constructed to be seen by men. Because the men are usually the one, that acts the women just has to appear, and I think this has not changed, all this years, and I still see this stereotypes with women. Overall I like how Andi Zeisler emphasizes the importance of the pop culture. Because most of the time people don't see the importance and how significance this can be even though I think pop culture is more often considered for women. Because most of the stuff about pop culture appeals to women.

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