Chelsea Morganelli
Entry 1
Roles in Media
reading that I found most interesting was “From Images of Women to Women as
Image” by Suzanna Danuta Walters. The reading discussed “sex roles” in mass
media and the stereotyping that goes along with it. Walters quotes Gaye Tuchman
when he says, “Watching lots of television leads children and adolescents to
believe in traditional sex roles: Boys should work, girls should not. The same
sex role stereotypes are found in the media designed especially for women. They
teach that women should direct their hearts toward hearth and home” (Walters, 35).
I agree with this quote, television is brainwashing children and telling them that
this is the way they should live when they are older. The stereotype that women
should stay at home and be housewives while their husbands go to work is shown
on television to young viewers. These young viewers are soaking up this
stereotype they see on television and think that is what they need to do when
they are older. There needs to be more TV shows for children showing them that
women can go to work too and that they do not have to stay at home.
In the reading, George Gerbner concludes that
women and nonwhites are portrayed as victims on television. I agree with his
conclusion, women are always being saved by men in TV shows and movies. For
example, Disney movies have been showing the princess being saved by the prince
for too long. These movies are telling young girls that their prince will be
there to save them and all they have to do is wait around. This idea is wrong
and should not be viewed by young people. It is giving them the wrong idea that
when they are in trouble someone will always be there. Two years ago, Disney
finally made a movie where the prince does not save the princess. This movie is
called Frozen and they should make
more like it. Women should be shown as strong rather than weak and distressed. If
media does not change then how do we expect to change the idea of traditional
You are so right about sex roles being implemented at young ages. How do we expect change when it is constantly being filtered back into society. It is funny that you mention the movie Frozen because in today's discussion, that is what popped into my head.It was considered monumental that a woman was the "hero" of a kids animation. I agree, they should definitely make ore movies like this. (I hear a Frozen 2 is in the works)