Friday, January 30, 2015

Ilenny Nunez

January 30, 2015



                                                The Evolution of Cultural Studies


            In the piece called “The evolution of Cultural Studies” written by Walter it is clearly understood how it focus on the view of women meaning the way how women might be seen from society; but at the same time it only focuses on the negative ways that women are viewed as.

Within the 3rd paragraph is implied how all it matters not only on today’s society but also apparently in the 1900’s is the way people look and this is implied when he quoted “we live in a world increasingly defined by the image”. Despite the fact that I don’t agree with the idea that it should be like that, I do agree with the term because I feel that in today society’s that’s all people care about. For example as a young female I know what it’s like to for example being judged based on your looks as we can see in today’s society everybody thinks that you should look a certain way specially boys because if not they will surely make you feel like you are less of a person and you don’t belong.

Lastly there was another quote that caught a lot of my attention and I know a lot you would feel the same way; the quote started as “Women’s bodies sells cars, beer, and laundry detergent…” When I first started reading it I couldn’t believe what I was reading, but then when I re-read the article I started thinking and I got to the conclusion that maybe they are right a lot of women use their bodies to sell products or as a way of advertisement and it looks cheap because it’s like the actions or decisions that some women make would complete a whole judgment for all of us like putting some value on us. But at the same time I feel like advertisement companies have some responsibility on the issue because first they hire women with slim bodies and choose their own outfit for the commercial such as bikinis and clothes that show part of the women’s bodies, and the reason they do this is because they know this is a good way to attract the audience’s attention and make a lot of profit out of their products, but also then complain about it and the way women portrait themselves sometimes. Now the question is why does it seems that is only women’s fault?



1 comment:

  1. I see where you're going with your last point, and I think that the author is more making the argument that it is not women's fault that we are oversexualized in order to sell things like beer and cars, but rather stating that fact that this is a reason why we need feminism.
