Friday, January 30, 2015

Mainstream Feminism

I have noticed that we, as a society, have a habit of turning celebrities into feminist icons, rather than turning feminism icons into celebrities. Because of this, there is a huge misconception about what it really means to be a feminist. There seems to be this need for feminists all over (especially mainstream ones) to remind men that feminism can, in fact, benefit them and that not all of us hate men. For example, think of Emma Watson's UN speech where she launched a global trend of the hashtag "he for she". Mainstream feminists tend to go out of their way to reassure men that feminism should appeal to them as well. This kind of watered down, cowardly feminism allows men to think they have a voice in feminism when, in reality, they don't. Feminism is a movement for women only and should not be concerned with how men might feel about it.
On another note, the feminism we so often see in pop culture is a brand of tepid and weak feminism that is incredibly liberal. This mainstream, liberal feminism allows women to believe that any choice they make is feminist, simply because they are a woman. I cannot stress enough how incorrect this is. For example, I have seen a countless amount of women claim that their lipstick is a feminist statement, or being sexually appealing to men is a form of female empowerment. This is NOT true! The makeup industry was set in place by men to make women feel the need to fix themselves to be beautiful, and is therefore not feminism. Also, I shouldn't have to say this, but feminism is not about how sexual available women appear to men.
To get to my point, feminism is about dismantling the current power structures put in place to enforce male dominance over women. There are countless issues feminism must confront, including abolishing gender and pornography, or allowing women their reproductive freedom (and many, many more!). I am reminded of Zeisler's idea that, "there are feminist issues that seem, it's true, more immediately vital whether TV or movies characters are reflecting the lives of real women" (6). While it is incredibly important for women to be represented fairly in pop culture, it is also crucial to understand that there are a lot of issues feminism must confront in order to save women. It is important that saving the lives of women trapped into prostitution, pornography, abuse (etc.) take presedence over any issue of pop culture representation.


  1. Yes, I agree with you. Most women are so concerned about make-up that they have forgotten the word " natural beauty". The word natural beauty doesn't even exists anymore to women. Women should appreciate themselves and the use their natural beauty instead of applying make-up. We need to show the world the type of beauty we have so we can encourage our young generation that are following us.

  2. I totally agree with you. I feel as though when you become a celebrity you almost have the responsibility of becoming a role model whether it's being a feminist or not, regardless if you want it.

  3. I agree with you completely there are more important issues that feminists should try to accomplish before they try to change pop culture. And that once someone does become a celebrity its almost like they have no choice to become a role model of some sort so they just choose to be a feminist because it is relatable to most women.

  4. Feminism is definitely woman's territory. Men who claim to be pro feminism cannot fully relate to the stereotyping we face in our culture. It is a constant battle, just as you said, to fix ourselves to look and act a certain way. We are individuals and should not subject ourselves to what we are expected of. You are right! I agree!
